Chennai Circumcision Physician

Can I get circumcised at 21?

Hello friends in this short blog post, let’s quickly together go over the topic on ‘can I get circumcised 21’?

At Dr Shahs Circumcision clinic in Chennai, we recommend circumcision mostly before marriage. This means somewhere between 26 to 30 years of age, however, can you get circumcised at 21?

Of course you can! Why not? To further emphasize this point of early circumcision, in the Muslim community circumcision is done as early as 7 to 10 days post birth.Furthermore, the earlier the circumcision is done the better in general. Most patients however fail to notice that their foreskin is tight. That is exactly why there is a delay in doing the procedure in the first place.

To further elaborate, patients notice that they would have problems with their foreskin in following situations

  1. The patient has tried sexual intercourse for the first time post marriage. The patient notices he is unable to penetrate his partner. He also notices that foreskin is quite excessive. In this scenario, a circumcision is recommended
  2. Next, the patient tries intercourse with his partner, however, upon penetration is notices that he loses erection. Furthermore, he does not have a habit of pulling his foreskin back before penetration. Since, pulling his skin back causes him pain. In these scenarios, the patient definitely needs a circumcision
  3. In the next scenario, the patient may be suffering from lifelong premature ejaculation due to sensitivity in the glan’s region. Here again, a circumcision or a tight foreskin removal treatment is recommended
  4. In yet another scenario, the patient might have had sexual relationships with multiple partners. Consequently in these scenarios a foreskin removal procedure is definitely recommended.
  5. Lastly, if the patient suffers from uncontrolled diabetes, it’s highly likely that the patient may have repeated cuts on the foreskin. In these instances it is wise to undergo a circumcision removal.

The above mentioned scenarios are the common reasons for which a removal of foreskin is definitely recommended.

Moreover, since there has been a drastic cultural shift a large proportion of men and women become sexually active very early. This increases the odds of acquiring STD’s more so when there is a trend of changing partners. Thus, getting circumcised at a earlier age, is definitely very desirable.

To conclude, ‘can I get circumcised at 21?’ of course you can. Getting a circumcision early is probably the best thing you can do for your sexual health. Keep watching this space for more interesting articles and reads. If you are looking for a sunnath hospital in Chennai, get in touch with us below


  1. Moses S, Bailey RC, Ronald AR. Male circumcision: assessment of health benefits and risks. Sexually transmitted infections. 1998 Oct;74(5):368.
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision. Male circumcision. Pediatrics. 2012 Sep;130(3):e756-85.



About Us

Dr Shah is a Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health at Dr. Shah’s Clinic. He practices as a consultant andrologist in chennai. He also practices as a full time sexologist in chennai.


No 5, Hindi Prachar Saba Rd, T-Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017


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