Chennai Circumcision Physician

What age is best for circumcision?

Hello my dear friends and loved ones! Dr Shah here!

Are you looking for tight foreskin treatment in Chennai? If so, you have come to the right place. In this short blog post we are going to discuss about ‘what age is best for circumcision.

To answer this question briefly, let us look at some of the reasons as to why a circumcision is done in the first place.

To briefly elaborate, circumcision is usually done for the following indications

  • Religious reasons specifically in the 1st 7 to 10 days post birth. This is seen in both Muslims and Jews
  • Voluntary male circumcision is done by adults before marriage.
  • Circumcision is done when the individual has ‘Phimosis’ (a.k.a tight foreskin)
  • Circumcision is also indicated for patients diagnosed with balanoposthitis
  • Moreover, circumcision is also done by men in order to prevent STD transmission, more so in the context of HIV, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and other STI’s
  • In some men, circumcision is also done to treat premature ejaculation and improve erectile function

The choice of ‘what age to do the circumcision’ actually depends on the underlying indication for the same. For obvious religious reasons, circumcision among both muslim’s and jews is done in the 1st 7 to 10 days post birth. However, in older individuals, circumcision is done even upto 45 to 50 years of age. While circumcision in younger and/or earlier adult ages is frequently desirable, its not always the case.

At our circumcision hospital in Chennai, apart from religious causes, we unilaterally recommend circumcision before marriage. This means somewhere in the age group ranging from 26 to 30 years.

Simultaneously, we also broadly recommend circumcision to individuals belonging to any age group, if the following conditions are met

  • If the man is single and is planning to settle down, however he has a history of multiple sexual partners.
  • Next, if the man already has a history of std treatment and has his foreskin intact.
  • Furthermore, circumcision is recommended when the man is suffering from lifelong premature ejaculation resulting from glans hypersensitivity
  • Moreover, circumcision is definitely recommended in the scenario when the man is unable to penetrate his partner (also called as non consummation of marriage)
  • Lastly in the event, the man has long standing diabetes mellitus with a repeated history of foreskin infections leading sexual problems

To briefly conclude the answer to the question ‘what age is best for circumcision’

  1. If the circumcision is purely done only for religious reasons, then doing it in the age of 7 to 10 days post birth is best
  2. For non medical reasons, circumcision is best done before marriage ideally between 26 to 30 years of age
  3. For valid medical reasons that definitely need a foreskin removal, age is technically no bar for removing a tight foreskin via circumcision

I hope you enjoyed reading this article on ‘what age is best for circumcision’ Keep watching this space for more interesting articles on the topic. If you are looking for a circumcision treatment, feel free to get in touch with us below


  1. Morris BJ, Waskett JH, Banerjee J, Wamai RG, Tobian AA, Gray RH, Bailis SA, Bailey RC, Klausner JD, Willcourt RJ, Halperin DT. A’snip’in time: what is the best age to circumcise?. BMC pediatrics. 2012 Dec;12(1):1-5.
  2. Kaufman MR, Smelyanskaya M, Van Lith LM, Mallalieu EC, Waxman A, Hatzhold K, Marcell AV, Kasedde S, Lija G, Hasen N, Ncube G. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and implications for the provision of voluntary medical male circumcision: results of a systematic literature review. PloS one. 2016 Mar 3;11(3):e0149892.



About Us

Dr Shah is a Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health at Dr. Shah’s Clinic. He practices as a consultant andrologist in chennai. He also practices as a full time sexologist in chennai.


No 5, Hindi Prachar Saba Rd, T-Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017


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